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A Sustainable Company that contributes to the harmonious
Development of people, society and the environment

Strategic Directions - E(Environmental):Reinforcing eco-friendly Construction activities, S(Social):Creating a people-Centered corporate Culture, G(Governance):Realizing responsible ESG management
Major Action Plans
  • Developing eco-friendly business and technologies
  • Responding to climate change and resource circulation
  • Establishing a safe and happy workspace
  • Building a sustainable supply chain
  • Operating the responsible Board of Directors
  • Enhancing compliance and ethical management

ESG Evaluation Ratings

2020 2021 2022 2023
Integrated Rating C B C B+
Environment (E) C B D B+
Social (S) C C C A
Governance (G) B+ B+ B B

※ Evaluated by Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability (KCGS)
Assessment levels: S, A+, A, B+, B, C, D

Sustainability Report

Sustainability Report 2024

HDC Hyundai Development Company published its first sustainability report in 2022, and the current report is the third annual report which includes ESG management activities, achievements, and future plans of the HDC Hyundai Development Company.
HDC Hyundai Development Company will continue to communicate transparently with stakeholders through its annual sustainability reports.

Sustainability Report 2023

Sustainability Report 2022