About Us
- Address
- 8th, 9th floors, HDC IPARK Mall, 55, Hangang-daero 23-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
- Telephone No.
- +82-2-2008-9114
- By subway
- Line 1, Gyeongui Jungang Line (directly connected to Yongsan Station)
- Line 4 (get off the train from Sinyongsan Station, walk 150 meters from exit 3)
- By bus
- Green buses (5012, 0017)
- Blue buses (400,502,100,150,151,152,500)
- Airport shuttle:6001
- By car
- 1. From the direction of Wonhyodaegyo (Bridge), Mapo, or Yeouido.Take the back road for IPARK Mall in front of Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit Corporation's railway control center
- 2. From the direction of YonghoTurn left and take the back road for IPARK Mall in front of Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit Corporation's railway control center
- 3. From the direction of Samgakji, Seoul StationTurn right in front of the LS building
- 4. From the direction of Seobinggo, National Museum of KoreaDrive straight at the intersection in front of Yongsan Station
- 5. From the direction of Hangangdaegyo (Bridge)Turn left at the intersection of Yongsan Station